Prefix to postfix C++ using stack

Today we are going to study the prefix to postfix C++ using stack. Convertors of Stacks like prefix to postfix. Also the applications and principles of this conversion.

What are the prefix and postfix expressions?

Prefix to postfix are notations used to represent the expressions. These notations determine the placement of operators and operands in an expression.

Prefix Expression: In prefix notation, also known as Polish notation, the operator precedes its operands. This notation eliminates the need for parentheses to indicate the order of operations.

Postfix Expression: In postfix notation, also known as Reverse Polish notation (RPN), the operator follows its operands. Like prefix notation, postfix notation eliminates the need for parentheses to indicate the order of operations.

Prefix to postfix C++ using stack


  • Prefix Notation: Operators come before their operands.
  • Postfix Notation: Operators come after their operands.

conversion of prefix to postfix in C++ using stack

conversion of prefix to postfix in C++ using stack of this given *+AB-CD can be written as:


  1. Expression: *+AB-CD
  2. Traverse the Prefix Expression from Right to Left:
    • Start from the rightmost character of the prefix expression.
  3. Read Characters:
    • Read D. As D is an operand, push it onto the stack.
      • Stack: D
    • Read C. As C is an operand, push it onto the stack.
      • Stack: D C
    • Read -. As - is an operator, pop two operands from the stack (D and C). Concatenate them with the operator - and push the result ((D-C)) back onto the stack.
      • Stack: (D-C)
    • Read B. As B is an operand, push it onto the stack.
      • Stack: (D-C) B
    • Read A. As A is an operand, push it onto the stack.
      • Stack: (D-C) B A
    • Read +. As + is an operator, pop two operands from the stack (B and A). Concatenate them with the operator + and push the result ((B+A)) back onto the stack.
      • Stack: (D-C) (B+A)
    • Read *. As * is an operator, pop two operands from the stack ((B+A) and (D-C)). Concatenate them with the operator * and push the result (((B+A)*(D-C))) back onto the stack.
      • Stack: ((B+A)*(D-C))
  4. Final Result:
    • The infix expression obtained from the prefix expression *+AB-CD is ((B+A)*(D-C)).


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Application of Prefix to Postfix Expression

Converting prefix to postfix expressions can be useful in various applications across computer science and programming. Here are some applications where this conversion can be beneficial:

1. Compiler Design:

  • In compilers, converting infix expressions to postfix (or prefix) can simplify the process of parsing and evaluating arithmetic expressions. Postfix notation, in particular, is easier to evaluate using a stack-based approach, making it a preferred choice for compilers.

2. Expression Evaluation:

  • Postfix expressions are well-suited for evaluation using a stack. Once you have a postfix expression, you can easily evaluate it by scanning it from left to right and performing the corresponding operations using a stack.

3. Calculator Applications:

  • In calculator applications, converting infix expressions entered by users into postfix expressions can simplify the evaluation process. Postfix notation eliminates the need for parentheses and follows a clear order of operations, making it easier to implement the evaluation logic.

Source code of conversion Prefix to postfix C++ using stack

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// Function to check if the given character is an operand
bool isOperand(char c) {
    return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9');

// Function to convert prefix expression to postfix expression
string prefixToPostfix(string prefix) {
    stack<string> s;

    // Traverse the prefix expression from right to left
    for (int i = prefix.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (isOperand(prefix[i])) {
            // Push operands to the stack
            s.push(string(1, prefix[i]));
        else {
            // Pop two operands from the stack
            string op1 =; s.pop();
            string op2 =; s.pop();

            // Concatenate operands and the operator
            string temp = op1 + op2 + prefix[i];

            // Push the result back to the stack


int main() {
    string prefix;

    cout << "Enter prefix expression: ";
    getline(cin, prefix);

    string postfix = prefixToPostfix(prefix);

    cout << "Postfix expression: " << postfix << endl;

    return 0;


Prefix to postfix conversion is a fundamental concept in computer science and mathematics that involves transforming expressions from prefix notation (Polish notation) to postfix notation (Reverse Polish notation). This conversion simplifies the evaluation and parsing of arithmetic expressions by rearranging the placement of operators and operands.

How is prefix to postfix conversion performed?

Prefix to postfix conversion involves reading the prefix expression from right to left. Operands are pushed onto a stack, and when an operator is encountered, operands are popped from the stack, concatenated with the operator, and the result is pushed back onto the stack.

Can all infix expressions be converted to postfix?

Yes, all infix expressions can be converted to postfix using algorithms like the one provided earlier. The process ensures that the order of operations is preserved.

Is postfix notation always unambiguous?

Yes, postfix notation is always unambiguous, meaning there is only one way to interpret and evaluate a postfix expression, making it easier for computer programs to handle.

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