Age Calculation in java project

Learn how to Age Calculation in java project with detailed tutorial. This tutorial covers date parsing, user input handling, and logical operations for accurate age computation, with detailed step-by-step instructions. Ideal for beginners seeking to improve their java programming skills.

1. Why an Age Calculator?

An age calculator may seem like a simple project, but it touches on multiple important programming concepts:

  • Date manipulation: Working with real-world time and dates using Java’s LocalDate.
  • User input handling: Accepting and validating user inputs through a graphical interface.
  • Event-driven programming: Reacting to user actions, such as clicking a button.
  • GUI design: Using layouts, fonts, colors, and components to create an appealing user interface.

It’s a perfect project for those who want to get familiar with Java Swing and practice building a practical, real-world application.


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2. Designing the User Interface (UI)

The visual aspect of any software plays a significant role in user satisfaction. Here’s how this age calculator’s UI stands out:

  • Main Window (JFrame): The main container that holds all other components. We named it Age Calculator to clearly convey its purpose.
  • Navy Blue Background: The frame’s background is styled with a dark navy blue color to give the app a more modern, sleek appearance.
  • Text Labels (JLabel): Labels are used to guide the user—one asks for their birthdate, and the other displays the calculated age. These labels use white and light blue text to stand out against the dark background. The font size is increased for better readability.
  • Text Field (JTextField): The user enters their birthdate in the format YYYY-MM-DD here. To improve usability, the text field has padded borders, making it more visually appealing.
  • Button (JButton): A custom-colored Sea Green button labeled “Calculate Age” is designed to be easily recognizable. The button has bold text and no border, giving it a flat, modern appearance.
  • Result Display: Once the age is calculated, the result is shown in a light blue color right below the input field, using a JLabel. This provides instant feedback without needing any further user interaction.

By focusing on these visual details, the application not only functions correctly but also provides an intuitive and pleasant experience for users.

Age Calculation in java project

3. How the Age Calculation Works

The core functionality of the application is to calculate the user’s age based on their birthdate. Here’s how it’s done:

a. Parsing the Birthdate

  • Input format: The birthdate is provided by the user in YYYY-MM-DD format. This format is widely used and easy to understand.
  • Splitting the input: The input string is split into three parts—year, month, and day—using the split("-") method. This separates the string by dashes, breaking it into individual components.
  • Storing in a custom Date class: Each part is converted to an integer and stored in a Date object (custom class defined in the code).

b. Getting the Current Date

  • System date: To calculate the user’s age, the current date is required. The program retrieves this date from the system using Java’s method, which provides the current year, month, and day.

c. Age Calculation Logic

  • Basic calculation: The age is calculated by subtracting the birth year from the current year.
  • Adjustment for the current year: If the user’s birthdate hasn’t occurred yet in the current year (i.e., today’s month and day are earlier than the birthdate’s month and day), the age is reduced by 1. This adjustment ensures the age is accurate.
For example:
- Birthdate: 1990-11-05
- Today’s Date: 2024-10-17
The age will be calculated as 2024 - 1990 = 34. 
However, since today is before November 5, the age will be adjusted to 33.

4. Handling User Input and Errors

One of the most important aspects of building user-centric applications is handling potential errors gracefully. This program ensures that if the user enters an invalid date or uses an incorrect format, the program:

  • Shows an error message: Using a JOptionPane, the program displays a dialog with a helpful message asking the user to provide the correct date format.
  • Prevents crashes: By wrapping the parsing logic in a try-catch block, the program prevents crashes from occurring when the input is invalid. This makes the application robust and user-friendly.

5. Responsive Event Handling

The application uses event-driven programming to respond to user actions:

  • Button click: When the “Calculate Age” button is pressed, an ActionListener is triggered. The listener handles all the logic of parsing the date, calculating the age, and displaying the result. This keeps the interface responsive and interactive.

6. Applying Nimbus Look and Feel

To enhance the appearance of the application, the Nimbus Look and Feel is applied. Nimbus is a modern, flat UI theme for Java Swing that gives the components a cleaner and more contemporary look. The UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel") command ensures that the application has a polished, professional feel without the need for external libraries.

7. Deploying the GUI

The main window is displayed using SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). This ensures that the GUI is created and updated on the event dispatch thread, a best practice in Swing programming to avoid thread-related issues.

Age Calculation in java project

Final Thoughts

This age calculator project combines functionality and aesthetics to create a well-rounded application. It’s simple yet effective in helping users calculate their age based on their birthdate. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate developer, building this project will deepen your understanding of:

  • Date manipulation using Java.
  • GUI creation with Swing.
  • Error handling to ensure user-friendly behavior.
  • Event-driven programming that makes the application interactive.

If you’re looking for a way to improve this project, consider adding features such as:

  • Calculating age in months or days.
  • Additional date validation to ensure future dates aren’t entered.
  • Multi-language support to make the application accessible to a wider audience.

Conclusion age calculation in java project

This Age Calculation in java project is an excellent way to practice working with Java Swing and improve your understanding of handling user input, managing dates, and designing clean, user-friendly GUIs. The focus on aesthetics, combined with functional programming, makes this project a valuable learning experience for both beginner and intermediate developers.

Source code of Calculating age in java

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.time.LocalDate;

class Date {
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;

 class AgeCalculatorGUI {

    // Parses the input date string (YYYY-MM-DD) into a Date object
    public static Date parseDate(String dateStr) {
        Date date = new Date();
        String[] parts = dateStr.split("-");
        date.year = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
        date.month = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);

        return date;

    // Calculates the age based on birthdate and current date
    public static int calculateAge(Date birthdate, Date currentDate) {
        int age = currentDate.year - birthdate.year;

        // Adjust age if birthdate hasn't occurred yet in the current year
        if (currentDate.month < birthdate.month ||
                (currentDate.month == birthdate.month && < {

        return age;

    // Sets the current date from the system date
    public static void setCurrentDate(Date currentDate) {
        LocalDate today =;
        currentDate.year = today.getYear();
        currentDate.month = today.getMonthValue(); = today.getDayOfMonth();

    // Creates the main window with enhanced styling
    public static void createAndShowGUI() {
        // Create the frame with a modern look and feel
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Age Calculator");
        frame.setSize(400, 250);
        frame.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
        frame.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 128)); // Navy blue background

        // Create and style labels and text field
        JLabel label = new JLabel("Enter your birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD): ");
        label.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 16));

        JTextField birthdateField = new JTextField(10);
        birthdateField.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 14));
        birthdateField.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));

        JButton calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate Age");
        calculateButton.setBackground(new Color(60, 179, 113)); // Custom button color (Sea Green)
        calculateButton.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));

        JLabel resultLabel = new JLabel("Your age will appear here.");
        resultLabel.setForeground(new Color(173, 216, 230)); // Light blue color for result text
        resultLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16));

        // Organize components using GridBagLayout
        GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbc.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10); // Padding

        gbc.gridx = 0;
        gbc.gridy = 0;
        gbc.gridwidth = 2;
        frame.add(label, gbc);

        gbc.gridx = 0;
        gbc.gridy = 1;
        gbc.gridwidth = 1;
        frame.add(birthdateField, gbc);

        gbc.gridx = 1;
        gbc.gridy = 1;
        frame.add(calculateButton, gbc);

        gbc.gridx = 0;
        gbc.gridy = 2;
        gbc.gridwidth = 2;
        frame.add(resultLabel, gbc);

        // Action listener for the calculate button
        calculateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                try {
                    String birthdateStr = birthdateField.getText();

                    // Parse the birthdate entered by the user
                    Date birthdate = parseDate(birthdateStr);

                    // Get the current system date
                    Date currentDate = new Date();

                    // Calculate the age
                    int age = calculateAge(birthdate, currentDate);

                    // Display the result
                    resultLabel.setText("Your age is: " + age + " years.");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // If input is invalid, show an error message
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Please enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.",
                            "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

        // Display the window
        frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the frame on the screen

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Set a modern look and feel for the GUI
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread (Swing)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

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